Setting up Currency Exchange Gain/Loss GLAs

In some countries, it is a legal requirement to differentiate between currency exchange gains and losses by using different general ledger accounts for each. If your country has this requirement, you can use this functionality.

This functionality can be used with either a corporate or local chart of accounts structure.

Note: For countries where currency exchange gains and losses do not require different GLAs, use the Currency Write-Off field for both gains and losses.

To set up currency exchange write-off gain/loss GLAs:

  1. Go to Setup | Objects and Fields | Object Manager | Accounting Company | Page Layouts | Company Layout.
  2. In the Quick Find field enter Use Currency Write-Off Loss GLA.
  3. Drag-and-drop the Use Currency Write-Off Loss GLA checkbox to the Accounts Receivable Analysis - Currency Write-Off section.
  4. In the Quick Find field enter Currency Write-Off Loss GLA.
  5. Drag-and-drop the Currency Write-Off Loss GLA field to the Accounts Receivable Analysis - Currency Write-Off section.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 2-7 for all page layouts.

For information on how to use this functionality, see Defining Currency Exchange Gain/Loss GLAs.